Safety Is No Accident

Safety Is No Accident


We know that the kind of work we do poses real risks. Yet, by prioritizing safety above all else, we have successfully completed challenging projects in extremely hazardous environments, spanning hundreds of thousands of man-­hours, without a single recordable incident.

Applying CFRP to large tank exterior.

Our Safety Commitment

At Next, we believe safety is the driver for success on every project. We employ a full-time Safety Director with certifications from OSHA, MSHA, NIOSH, and the American Red Cross, and operate an aggressive program that is focused on preventive safety practices vs. reactive ones.

We have developed training programs and safety systems that allow us to operate safely anywhere we work, from a swing stage on a high-rise building to a mine 3,000 feet below grade.

Safety Is Everyone's Job

We take an integrative approach to safety, involving everyone from first-year trainees to top management in the development, implementation, and monitoring of safety programs. We emphasize training, encourage innovation, and reward performance.

Next Composites is both focused on and dependent on our employees for growth and success. Valuing people is a key component of our operating philosophy, and maintaining a safe workplace is a critical piece of this approach. In addition to the human component, safe operations are absolutely necessary to expand and remain competitive.

Our Safety Culture

Components of Next's safety culture.
Cutting large diameter pipe from inside.
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